The 5 common Showit website myths that I hear as a web designer!
Are you wondering if a Showit website is right for your creative business? Do you find these thoughts swirling around your decision-making process ‘I’ll have a custom-coded site and I don’t know how to maintain that on my own’ or ‘I don’t want to lose all of the blog content on my current site’ Those are both huge Showit website myths!
I am debunking the 5 most common Showit website myths that I hear all too often when working with my creative business owner clients on their web design!

Myth 1. Without custom code, I won’t have the design freedom I’m looking for.
Fact: One of the biggest Showit website myths I am constantly debunking is that your Showit website can only be built using custom code. This is a myth because Showit is actually a drag and drop platform!
Using a drag and drop platform allows you complete control over the creativity of your web design. With Showit’s drag and drop builder, you aren’t limited to a block builder which often has limitations on fonts, photo placements, design elements, and sizing.
NO custom code is required to access the drag and drop builder. Although, you still have the freedom to add on custom code for double the flexibility over your website. How amazing is that?
Showit also allows for mobile design independently of your desktop design. This is an awesome feature because it helps ensure that you have the ability to design your Showit website on your own terms while providing your website visitors with a unique experience.
Myth 2. My SEO will be significantly impacted if I switch website hosts or use a website builder.
Fact: SEO can take a little bit of a dip when publishing a new site. However, you will see an increase in your overall website traffic and search engine visibility when you pair the right design with the right content! Your web designer knows how to properly set up and enhance your SEO settings within your Showit website, and this will be done in the overall web design process!
Showit has built-in SEO functions which makes things like text tags, and meta descriptions, so much easier to customize. Using your desired keywords, of course!
If you want to see the biggest bump in your organic website traffic then being consistent with blogging after your website is published is the perfect way to continuously boost your SEO!! If you can create long-form content for your website’s blog, even better! Long-form content is any blog post with over 1,000 words.
Add on the use of a premium plugin like Yoast – which is compatible with Showit, and your website will be set up for SEO success! Don’t have the time to manage or create your own blogging content? Get in touch with a blogging expert like Nicole at Lattes for Lunch!
Myth 3. I will lose the blog posts that were published on my current site.
Fact: Anytime you are migrating from one platform to another, you should never lose any of your previously published blogging content! If a web designer ever tells you that that they are unable to migrate your content or that your content will be ‘gone’ – run in the opposite direction!
Showit will migrate any of your previous blog posts onto their servers so you won’t lose a single piece of content that has been previously published!
Worried about making the switch from your WordPress website to a Showit website? Showit works directly with WordPress. That means that your Showit website is backed by the power of a WordPress blog, so you won’t have to learn how to blog ‘on a new platform’!
Myth 4. With a Showit website, I will not have access to a shop in order to sell my products.
Fact: I love busting this myth!!
With my past client Anna Kay Photography, we were able to build shop pages right onto the Showit platform. With the ease of Shopify buy buttons we were able to have total design control. This gave us the flexibility to be creative with what we wanted and needed! All backed by the power of Shopify to her e-commerce.
We embed the buy buttons right onto her Showit website so that her users can purchase seamlessly on her website without having to leave and access a 3rd party platform. Embedded buy buttons do so much heavy lifting and assist in creating an amazing ‘add to cart’ user experience when building out a Showit website!
Myth 5. Having a Showit website means that I need to hire and pay a designer to make changes to my website.
Fact: Remember when I mentioned this one back at the beginning of this post? It’s a common misconception and a major obstacle for business owners who are considering a Showit website. Nobody wants to feel stuck with a website that they are unable to maintain.
Showit is incredibly easy to use! They have amazing customer support, help docs, and the best community support via their Showit User Group on Facebook.
For my part as a Showit web designer, I equip each and every one of my clients with the knowledge they need in order to feel confident and comfortable swapping out elements on their website later on. This allows them to seamlessly update images or pricing on their website as their brand grows and evolves.
Can I let you in on a little secret? My clients very rarely rehire me to make updates to their website after our project is complete. The ones who do, usually come back to me because they lack the time to make the appropriate updates, not because they lack the ability.
Ready to take the next steps towards building your Showit website? Click here to read more about my 5 stage Showit web design process!